Thursday, March 12, 2009


Umm... don't be mad. My life's been a little nuts over these past couple months! Yes, I completely forgot about blogging! I'm sure all two of you who actually read this are saying, "Yes, Aimee.. I've been waiting to stalk your life and you've given me nothing." Well, wait no longer! I've got plenty of material for you!

We are at 15 more days, can you even believe it?!?! I think this is a good time to let all of you know that if you received an invitation and have not RSVP-ed, please do so IMMEDIATELY! My hard working mother and broke as a joke after this wedding father need to know how many people we are feeding at the reception :) THANK YOU!!

Also, Tyler and I are registered at:


There. I said it.

Well, amidst all this wonderful stress, I have had the pleasure of attending three fabulous showers in my honor this month. And yes, they were all beautiful! My bacherlorette party is coming up and I couldn't be more ecstatic to spend some much needed time with my GIRLS!! Can't wait to see what you crazy ladies have up your sleeves :)

The major details of the wedding are all set. We just finalized plans for the flowers today... I know, I know. No lecture necessary, I've already heard it all. Just recently, the back drop plans for the ceremony fell through so that's our biggest concern as of late.

Prayer is the best gift you could send to Tyler and I. Today was really rough for me, personally. I just felt really attacked by Satan and overwhelmed with planning a wedding while still working at my job. We both know God has us in this place for a reason but it's super encouraging to know that Satan wants to harm when we're closest to the Lord. We're both trying so hard and the end is in sight (March 28th) so just pray we stay at a sprint when we cross the finish line :)

Ok, that's about all I'm going to say for now. I did feel like this was very therapeutic- writing everything out, so maybe I'll add blogging to my everyday tasks list. Don't you just love to-do lists? Oh gosh, that topic belongs in its own blog.

Sleep well and Tyler and I hope to see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. You crack me up. Don't stress too much and I hope you have a blast at your bachelorette party.
